"Publication in scientific journals accredited in #Scopus and #Clarivate requires high fees." Is this true?

There is confusion among researchers regarding the issue of publishing fees in sober journals. Most of the journals are of hybrid type, meaning that t
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"Publication in scientific journals accredited in #Scopus and #Clarivate requires high fees." Is this true?

There is confusion among researchers regarding the issue of publishing fees in sober journals. Most of the journals are of hybrid type, meaning that the research published in them can be of two types:

- The first is that the author pays the publishing fees and the research is open to readers free of charge.

- The second type, the author does not pay publishing fees, and the research is not open for free to readers, meaning you can publish your research for free and without any payment ...

For example, the list below is for Elsevier magazines where any journal written in front of it Hybrid means that the author can be published without paying any amount .. In addition, if the amount is open access and the amount is zero dollars also he can publish his research without paying any amount ... and the subject of the payment is from The lack of it has nothing to do with the duration of the evaluation because the researcher is asked about payment after acceptance of the research. .


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