Are the Journal Article Titles having Impact Their Citation Rates

This review aims to condense evidence-based research to improve a scientific manuscript title for both clarity and impact.
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Are the Journal Article Titles having Impact Their Citation Rates

The title of the scientific article gives authors an opportunity to make a first impression and to communicate the results of their important research in a concise manner.

The first objective of the scientific article remains to disseminate information, so that the greatest possible number of researchers of the same scientific specialization can benefit from it.

At the same time, the more times the published articles are cited, the more it will benefit the researcher and the journal.

Therefore, a good title for a scientific article contains keywords that can be recognized in search engines.

    This review aims to condense evidence-based research to improve a scientific manuscript title for both clarity and impact.

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    Source: Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery Volume 36, Issue 7, July 2020, Pages 2025-2029
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