How to write better scientific papers and get published

In this short guide published by Wiley , you will learn how to find the right journal for your scientific paper, how to prepare manuscripte, submissio
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How to write better scientific papers and get published

How to write better scientific papers and get published

So, you have finished your project and you are about to convert your lab book entries into a scientific publication. You realize however that you need a narrative for presenting your data and questions are floating around in your mind, such as: prior to submission, what needs to be thought about when preparing the manuscript? To ensure the paper gets published, how can the best case for publication be made to the editors, the referees and ultimately the targeted readership? What can be done to make sure that the work will be recognized after publication? Or perhaps questions even as basic as: Where to start?

In this short guide published by Wiley , you will learn how to find the right journal for your scientific paper, how to prepare manuscripte, submission of article,Peer Review, Licensing & Open Access, Publication, Promotion...

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