Sci-hub's Alexandra Elbakyan responds to Nature journal

"Nature has actually contacted me for comment about accusations that Sci-Hub is a threat, here is my full response / it is clear that academic publish
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Alexandra Elbakyan responds to Nature journal

"Nature has actually contacted me for comment about accusations that Sci-Hub is a threat, here is my full response / it is clear that academic publishers care about their money, not about security of other people" Alexandra Elbakyan.
07.12.2021, 16:24 Tema Re: Nature News request for comment RE court case in India Komy Holly Else <>

Hi Holly Else,
Pirate sites like Sci-Hub threaten the integrity of the scientific record, and the safety of university and personal data first of all, Sci-Hub is an unique website. There are NO other pirate sites like Sci-Hub' and if we talk about Library Genesis, it works in connection with Sci-Hub and has the same content. I understand that publishers are trying to belittle Sci-Hub by such wording, but let's make it clear. talking about threats, academic publishers threaten the progress of science: open communication is fundamental property of science and it makes scientific progress possible. Paywalled access prevents this and is a great threat to science.

Also the great threat is also when the whole scientific knowledge became the private property of some corporation such as Elsevier, that has full control of it.

That is a threat, and not Sci-Hub. Sci-Hub cannot threaten integrity of scientific record more than academic publishers do: Sci-Hub does not publish any articles or data by itself, but only collects and makes available those materials that were published by academic publishers.

Regarding the safety of university and personal data' that is a bunch of empty words, that sound dangerous, but have absolutely no content of evidence behind them. How exactly Sci-Hub can damage any university or a person by downloading academic papers? - Pirate sites like Sci-Hub compromise the security of libraries and higher education institutions to gain unauthorized access to scientific databases and other proprietary intellectual property, and illegally harvest journal articles and e-books - Sci-Hub uses stolen user credentials and phishing attacks to extract copyrighted journal articles illegally Do they have any actual case when Sci-Hub somehow compromised the security of any library or a person? Any person that complained about credentials that were 'stolen' from them? Or is it again, nothing more but empty accusations.

Nobody is complaining about compromised security' except academic publishers. It is touching to see, how caring they are about others. Except, that they do not care at all about millions of people who cannot access science because the do not have money. Regarding the 'illegal' part, Sci-Hub goal is to be recognized as fully legal website. Any law against knowledge is fundamentally unjust. I hope Nature will have enough honesty to publish my comments in full!

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